All employees working in Australia have rights and protections at work. The Fair Work Ombudsman (FWO) can help you understand your rights while working in Australia. Their service is free.
The FWO has information in 30 different languages, and storyboards (short videos) in various languages are available to assist you to understand your rights and obligations in Australian workplaces.
The FWO also has tailored information for workers in the fast food, restaurant and café industry and the horticulture industry.
You must be paid money for the work you do in Australia. The amount you need to be paid can depend on your age, duties and hours of work. Use the FWO’s Pay Calculator to make sure you have the right pay rates.
A pay slip must be given to you each time you are paid. Visit the FWO’s pay slips page to find out what should be included on yours.
Make sure you keep a record of the hours you work, the places you work and the type of work you are doing. Use a diary or download the FWO’s Record My Hours app. The app is available in various languages and is free to download from Google Play or the Apple App Store.
The FWO can also help with workplace issues and questions. You can’t get into trouble or have your visa cancelled for contacting the FWO for information about your pay or other entitlements. If you have a question about your workplace rights while working in Australia, you can ask the FWO online, or call them on 13 13 94 during business hours. If you or someone you know needs an interpreter when contacting the FWO, call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450.
If you want to stay up to date with Australia’s workplace laws, follow the FWO on Facebook and Twitter.